Sunday, September 27, 2009


Over the years of my life, I have learned that if you're gargling with mouth wash after rinsing, you've just added to the immediate return of bad breath; this is equal to placing soap once again, on an already cleaned car. DON’T DO IT!!! Imagine leaving from a car wash with suds still on it; not a pretty site! This analogy amounts to the residue that causes most, if not all, of the bad breath odor that lingers in our mouth.

“Bad breath, is medically called halitosis, can result from poor dental health habits and may be a sign of other health problems. Bad breath can also be made worse by the types of foods you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits.” Want to eliminate it for good? Then remember this acronym: GBSR (Gargle, Brush, Scrap and Rinse). Do this a minimum of 2x daily!

Leave your comments. Hope this helps!